Command Line Interface Workflow

TracerBench is most commonly consumed two ways, via CLI and CI. The CLI allows for a developer to quickly run a performance benchmark locally. While leveraging TracerBench in CI, drastically aides in the flagging and prevention of a performance regression within a web application over time. The CLI has two primary workflows:

Compare Workflow

Comparing the performance delta between two builds, control vs experiment (most common workflow). This is executed with the `tracerbench compare` command.

Instrument your web application

// app/router.js | ember example
// adding the following performance markers
import EmberRouter from '@ember/routing/router'; import { schedule } from '@ember/runloop'; import config from './config/environment'; export default class Router extends EmberRouter { location = config.locationType; rootURL = config.rootURL; constructor() { super(...arguments); performance.mark('startRouting'); this.on('willTransition', function () { performance.mark('willTransition'); }); this.on('routeDidChange', () => { performance.mark('didTransition'); schedule('afterRender', renderEnd); }); } } // schedule this example renderEnd function which will mark and measure your appfunction renderEnd() { performance.mark('renderEnd'); requestAnimationFrame(function () { performance.mark('beforePaint'); requestAnimationFrame(function () { performance.mark('afterPaint'); performance.measure('document', 'navigationStart', 'domLoading'); performance.measure('jquery', 'domLoading', 'jqueryLoaded'); performance.measure('ember', 'jqueryLoaded', 'emberLoaded'); performance.measure('application', 'emberLoaded', 'startRouting'); performance.measure('routing', 'startRouting', 'willTransition'); performance.measure('transition', 'willTransition', 'didTransition'); performance.measure('render', 'didTransition', 'renderEnd'); performance.measure('afterRender', 'renderEnd', 'beforePaint'); performance.measure('paint', 'beforePaint', 'afterPaint'); }); }); }
// app/index.html | ember example
// adding the following performance markers
// after loading jquery script
performance.mark("jqueryLoaded"); // after loading vendor scriptif (Ember) performance.mark("emberLoaded");

Run Compare

As a quick basic example, try running an A/A test with tracerbench compare against this instrumented site! (When running compare against identical builds for the control and experiment its called an A/A test).


Remember this was a basic example, scratching the surface of what TracerBench has to offer! Be sure to review the API docs for tracerbench compare.

# tracerbench/6.0.0 darwin-x64 node-v14.16.0tracerbench compare --controlURL --experimentURL --markers fetchStart,jqueryLoaded,emberLoaded,startRouting,willTransition,didTransition,renderEnd --headless --report