Boxplot & Frequency Results

TracerBench on HeadlessChrome/90.0.4430.212

duration (No/Borderline Difference)

Based on the P-value of this benchmark the evidence for a metric shift is weak. TracerBench has determined the results are not significant.

Cumulative sub-phases of duration

The chart below shows the finish times (a point in the page load duration) of the sub-phases for experiment and control. It gives a high level view on what changed (if any).

You can view more details about the sub-phases in the section below "Isolated sub-phases of duration".

Isolated sub-phases of duration

renderEnd (No/Borderline Difference)

Based on the P-value of this benchmark the evidence for a metric shift is weak. TracerBench has determined the results are not significant.

paint (No/Borderline Difference)

Based on the P-value of this benchmark the evidence for a metric shift is weak. TracerBench has determined the results are not significant.